2009 11-16

Qimu landscope gardening

November 16th, 2009
Our new Chinese project "Qimu landscope gardening"? is online now. the feature of the site is an Actionscript 3 flash site, dynamic site structure, the originality come from the jigsaw puzzle, give user more full when use view it. :) if you are interesting with it, please check it here: www.qimu.cn
2009 11-16


November 16th, 2009
? 万博思图新作--七木庭园Flash网站上线, 受七木庭园设计公司委托,经过近一个月个的努力, 网站正式上线了. 网站的创意来源于七木的logo的七巧板,我们对过代码将导航演译成了七巧板所拼出的各种图形, 即可以使用浏览都感觉到有意思而且又会很方便的操作. 客户非常满意. 查看此网站请点击这里:? 七木庭园
2009 11-02

zoominterviews stream video player online

November 2nd, 2009
we create a new FMS stream video player for zoominterviews.com. it is a fully customize video player. dynamic video list from php, synchronous info with video times, pass more parameters from html page etc... if you are interesting with it. please check it here : http://zoominterviews.com click the watch video button to check it. thanks.
2009 11-02

zoominterviews 流式视频播放系统上线

November 2nd, 2009
zoominterviews.com是美国一家专注于MBA访谈的商业网站, 我们受客户委托,为其创建完全自定的义的流式视频播放系统, 当前已上线. 系统使用php结合Flash media server生成动态列表,自定义控制列表, 同步显示相关时间段内的访谈信息等. 如果你有兴趣,可以在这里查看, http://zoominterviews.com 点击watch video 按钮即可以查看.
2009 10-23

housefinderTV project online

October 23rd, 2009
? Our new project housefinderTV project is online. the feature is search function, dynamic video list from backend. google map search, mail send function. share etc.. , we also create the backend CMS for it. easy to manage anythings. cheers. you can check it out from here: housefindertv.com