our new project XinYing video gallery UI have finished. Now we are intergrating it ?with video data. soon will be online.?
chinese language:
万博思图2008年5月项目.新影时光视频播放系统的UI效果部分已经完成. 当前处理整合数据期. 近期会很快完成.先放上两张图. ...:)
our small custom shirt program for shirtrebellion.? you can write your text , change the fonts, change the font size, color, the shirt color. and your email info ,check out via paypal. you can check it out online
万博思图再次签约尚层装饰, 原网站由万博思图公司于一年前创建,一年内尚层装饰公司发展迅速, 当前网站已不能满足于公司的公前需求. 因为在次由万博思图公司为其重建. 计划新网站于6月初上线. 访问尚层原
webstudio flash video and image gallery v2.0 online.?
XML driven. Full dynamic drag and drop video and image gallery. support multi categray. suppot mouse drag and drop effect. support auto-adapted video and image size and fullscreen etc..? you can check it out
Our new flash video site sfedit.com online.
this project created for my clients sfedit.com. using show clients video portfolio. you can view
Chinese language:
我们的新项目sfedit视频flash网站上线。 用来展示客户的视频作品。你可以在这里